9 comment(s) for "The Wonderful Gardens of Château de Chaumont":

  1. We went to the opening days of the International Garden Festival when we were in the Loire Valley in April. Like you, I found the entries to be a little uneven in quality. Nonetheless, we really enjoyed our visit and the stunning vistas of the Loire River.

    By the way, I gave your contact information to some friends of friends in Boston who are looking for a place to stay during their upcoming vacation in the Loire Valley. He’s an artist so I told them about your former artist in residence.

  2. […] we were cycling to Chaumont one day, we came across another type of village oven as we left the little village of Candé sur […]

  3. Absolutely beautiful! When is the international garden festival?

  4. […] in 1997, I found it very delipidated. Last summer we spent a wonderful afternoon there during the annual garden festival. I discovered yesterday that it has been totally renovated inside and is now quite stunning! The […]

  5. […] the Loire and is best seen from the other side of the river. From April to October, it hosts a wonderful garden festival with a different theme each year.  The château as it stands today was rebuilt from 1468 to 1511. […]

  6. […] just cycled from Château de Chaumont to Candé sur Beuvron, a lovely little path through shady woods along the Beuvron River on the […]

  7. […] take the back entrance, next to the parking lot where we usually leave the car, and walk through the gardens towards the château which is just as beautiful as it usually is, despite the cold, because at […]

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