8 comment(s) for "Cappuccino Progress!!!":

  1. Lyn

    Hi Fraussie, I’ve been enjoying your coffee making journey and the great fireplace repair.

  2. That is a most impressive coffee machine. Congratulations to both you and Relationnel on sticking with it and developing your expertise. The results are most impressive.

  3. Fraussie

    Thanks Lyn and Femme Francophile. It was a birthday present. It was the only way I felt it was justified! Wait until I can make rabbits and stuff!

  4. […] but worth the effort and I can use some of the milk that keeps getting left over when I make cappuccino. Chestnuts and pumpkin for […]

  5. […] afternoon was to turn up the heating. Then we went to buy an espresso machine to replace the cheap-O one that gave up the ghost last time we were here. You may remember that I have a super-duper […]

  6. […] may remember my desperate attempts to make cappuccino during the winter. Well, now I know the truth. It’s the espresso machine that makes all the […]

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