25 comment(s) for "The 5:2 fast diet - fast and feast and still lose weight!":

  1. Tracie

    Oh I’m so glad to hear it!! It really does seem like the best diet ever. Yes, there are sacrifices but I only need willpower for a few hours a week. Plus being able to say “I can have that tomorrow” is a huge benefit!

  2. Jane’s cousin

    Good to hear it seems to be going well. I’m committed to another program for about 5 or 6 more weeks but I think I’ll try this after that is finished. If it has worked I may only need to use the 6:1 maintenance. I did read some negative comments about the 5:2 diet in a health and fitness magazine but that was along the lines of traditional responses that fasting can change the metabolic rate but I think Michael Mosley covered that. I suspect that basically missing a meal here or there and eating less on those days is a long way from dropping to a low calorie diet for months at a time. That seems to be where people plateau in response to the metabolic rate dropping as a result of continued low calorie intake.

  3. butcherbird

    Great work! I’ll have to try it. and hello to Sue B if she is reading this message too!
    See you soon.

  4. The diet certainly looks worth a try. A friend who did the diet lost 14 lbs but said it worked best when she was still careful about what she ate on the other days. It looks like you followed the same regime.

  5. Rosemary Kneipp

    Yes, I assume it works better if you’re careful about what you eat on the other days, but I’m not doing it on purpose. It really does seem to diminish your appetite, particularly the next day and the day after. Paradoxically it seems to reduce the desire for extras. Yesterday, I had lunch at a restaurant (two courses and a glass of wine) and in the evening I just wasn’t hungry. I only ate a small bowl of cherries. In the past I would have forced myself to eat dinner because of the “never miss a meal” thing.
    It’s the long-term benefits I’m mainly after but there are still some summer clothes I can’t wear yet so I’d like to lose the next three kilos quickly.

  6. Good to hear that your experience pretty much echoes ours with the intermittent fasting.

    I picked our first cherries yesterday.

  7. Glad to see the 5:2 diet is working so well for you Rosemary. We are only just starting to hear about it here in Australia, but as expected it is causing much controversy.

  8. […] ambiance. We see the main sights beneath an overcast sky, have a picnic lunch on a bench (it’s a fast day) and continue on our […]

  9. […] may remember I started the 5:2 fast diet about 2 weeks before we left on holidays, desperately hoping it would allow me to wear all my summer […]

  10. Pippa Sandford

    Re tea on an empty stomach making you feel nauseous – is that tea with milk? I had the same problem for a long time before I realised the problem was the milk, not the tea. Now we buy good tea online, Yunnan and Lapsang Souchong (not Twinings which is a bit of a bland copy!), Keemum (favourite for first thing in the morning) and have just a little, black. Might be worth trying.

  11. […] it promises to be a lovely evening so we have an early dinner at home (very light – it’s a fast day) and set off through the Palais Royal gardens for the new Berges de la Seine area which Jean Michel […]

  12. […] thought you might like to know how we’re getting on with our intermittent fasting (or 5:2 fast diet) that we started in June this year just before we went on our cycling trip along the […]

  13. […] Danube plus all the other shorter cycling holidays have certainly made me fitter. Discovering the 5:2 fast diet is now a way of life. I lost the extra kilos and am now able to enjoy foods I thought I had […]

  14. […] the days we practise intermittent fasting our déjeuner really is when we break our fast. I searched around to see why déjeuner is the […]

  15. […] disappointing however and no doubt deep-frozen. The mussels and chips are good though and having fasted the day before, we can indulge ourselves without […]

  16. […] By the time we’re finished, we’re well and truly ready for a shower and dinner. It’s a 5:2 fast day and we’ve worked up an […]

  17. […] I’ve been making an effort to get up at 8 but I only gain a half an hour and I’m tired! On intermittent fast days, it’s much easier as we skip breakfast. We’ve talked about it together and Jean Michel is […]

  18. […] Ce blog est normalement en anglais mais j’ai eu tellement de demandes concernant notre pratique du jeûne intermittent de la part de nos amis français que j’ai décidé de leur dédier un post. [This blog is usually in English but I have had so many requests for information on the 5:2 Fast Diet from our French friends that I am dedicating this post to them in French. You will find plenty of information on the subject in English if you click on the Category “Dieting” in the column on the right. You can start with “The 5:2 fast diet: fast and feast and still lose weight“.] […]

  19. […] went to do more home exchanges as well. And in case anyone is wondering – we still follow the 5:2 diet twice a week and are in very good health! I miss my blog and hope that retirement really will bring […]

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